Ekam Energy

Solar Solutions for a Sustainable Tomorrow

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New York saw its highest single-day increase in deaths, up by 562 to 2,935 – nearly half of all virus-related US deaths recorded yesterday. The White House may advise those in virus hotspots to wear face coverings in public to help stem the spread.

A shortage of several hundred ventilators in New York City, the epicentre of the outbreak in the US, prompted Mr Cuomo to say that he will order the machines be taken from various parts of the state and give them to harder-hit areas.

Amid a deepening crisis, top health official Dr Anthony Fauci has said he believes all states should issue stay-at-home orders. I don’t understand why that’s not happening, Dr Fauci told CNN on Thursday.

Robert Denbhai

“I don’t understand why that’s not happening,” Dr Fauci told CNN on Thursday. “If you look at what’s going on in this country, I just don’t understand why we’re not doing that.” “You’ve got to put your foot on the accelerator to bring that number down,” he added, referring to infection and death rates. on the accelerator to bring that number down,” he added.

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